Hello everyone! I am so sorry that I have not been on here to update in so long. I have no real excuse except to say that things have been going very well for Missy, and so it hasn't really occurred to me to post. I will try to do better and at least post a general update every month or so, just so that people using this blog are in the know about our sweet Melissa.
Several weeks ago Missy went back up to the NIH to have a repeat MRI to see how her current treatment is working. The scan showed that everything is looking wonderful! That the cancer is under control and her brain is healing and looking much healthier than it has since this all began. We feel so very thankful and blessed.
With her health finally looking better and under control Missy has been enjoying her summer. She is looking for a low stress part time job, since her full time position in research was just too much for her at this time. She has taken a couple small trips this summer and has been enjoying quality time with family and friends. Her treatments, along with the travel to and from the NIH every 8 weeks, is taking a lot out of her, but she is feeling much more like herself and is very thankful for that.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We all appreciate all you do as she continues down this road of treatment and recovery.