Sunday, November 21, 2010

Welcome to Kicking Cancer

Hi Everyone! This is Sarah, Melissa's sister, and I will most likely be doing the majority of the blogging over here at Kicking Cancer. Melissa (Missy to that is what I will most likely call her around here) was wanting to start this blog to keep everyone informed on her treatments. Since she isn't really up to adding something new to her plate right now, you all get me! I will do several posts over the next few weeks to chronicle the past few months since her diagnosis, but for today I just wanted to say the blog is here, and will hopefully be kept up to date as she fights.

Missy started her radiation and chemotherapy treatments on this past Thursday, November 18th. The first day of her treatments were very difficult for her. The chemotherapy made her very sick and she vomited most of the afternoon. Friday she changed her anti-nausea medication and it helped a lot. She was emotional, and her stomach was unsettled the majority of the day, but at least the vomiting was under control. This weekend she had a break from the radiation, but still had the chemotherapy. She spent the majority of her time relaxing at her house and seems to be doing good. She is very tired, and it is clear these medicines are hard on her body, but she is doing amazingly well. Tomorrow will begin her first full week with radiation and chemotherapy, so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers while with your families for Thanksgiving.

**Thank you all so much for your love and support. We cannot ever express how much you have meant to Missy and our family. Many of you have asked how to make donations to help Missy during her treatments. We have set up an account in her benefit, which is tax deductible, at Fifth Third Bank. Donations will be used to help cover medical expences and cost of living during her treatment and recovery.  They can be dropped off at any 5/3 Bank location, or can be mailed to the address on the left sidebar. Donations can also be made through Paypal by using the donation button, also on the left. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.**


Rhiannon said...

Awesome that you have this site now! Love you girl and admire your strength. Praying for you daily:-) god bless and good luck!

Jan Ross said...

This is a great idea. So sorry she is feeling so bad!!!