Wednesday, November 24, 2010

One Week Down, Five to Go!

Missy had her 5th radiation treatment today, so we are officially done with the first week. Just five more to go! Each day that passes gets a little harder for her, but brings us closer to the end of these treatments which are so important. We are all heading to my parents house today to celebrate Thanksgiving, and it felt like the perfect time to say how thankful we all are for the love and support you all are showing Missy during this time. We appreciate you all!

A special thanks to Missy's work, who yesterday help a White Elephant auction with all proceeds going to help cover the costs of her treatment and recovery. You all are so wonderful. You have rallied around her and helped so much. It has truly meant the world to her and we wanted to say thank you!

1 comment:

Fancy said...

Today has been a good day. We have so much to be thankful for.