Thursday, February 3, 2011


Well the Shepherd family has made it to the NIH Hospital safe and sound. Mom and Missy arrived yesterday and Dad, Boo and I flew up this morning. We got to the hospital around nine and Missy had already been admitted and things were rolling. She had a day full of pre-op tests, such as an EKG, x-ray and MRI. Lots of blood work and meeting doctors. It was a long day, but also enjoyable because we were all together. I am pretty sure we laughed more than most families the day before brain surgery, and it was good for us all.

Really today was basically about just getting ready for tomorrow, but we did learn that the plan on the surgery being 5-7 hours and is scheduled to start at 8:30. We are expecting a long hard day, but we are hoping and praying that there will be good news at the end of it. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I will hopefully update again tomorrow evening and let you all know details from the day.

And now just because it is sorta cute, here is Missy with me and Boo. We sure do love our sweet Melissa.


Mandy said...

Love this family! So much positive every and love surrounding such an amazing person. Love to the moon and back! xoxo

Emily said...

Praying for you today, Melissa. I love that you guys are smiling ear to ear, your attitude is amazing!

Annie said...

Love and medicine ever!!! Will be keeping you all in my prayers. Hugs!!!