Friday, February 25, 2011

Treatment Plan

This morning Missy, along with our parents, met with her doctors at the National Institute of Health (NIH). The lab tests done on the tumor removed during her 2nd surgery shows that she has a Grade 3 Astrocytoma. We had feared it may be a Grade 4, so this is good news. Her original tumor contained a less aggressive cancer type along with the Astrocytoma cells, but they now seem to be gone.

After meeting with the doctors and discussing options it was decided that the best thing for Missy at this time was an FDA approved IV treatment that will cut off the blood supply to the tumor. The IV treatment drug is called Avastin and she will receive it once every two weeks. Along with that she will take a chemotherapy medication called Temodar each evening. Hopefully these two medications combinded will stop the growth of the cancer and shrink the existing cancer cells. Both treatments can be done in Lexington, so she will only have to travel back to the NIH every eight weeks for monitoring.

Missy is doing amazingly well. She is exhausted, but ready to continue this fight. She is so thankful for all of your love and support during this time. You all mean the world to her and to all of us. Thank you for all for your prayers and constant support!


Mandy said...

Love you bff. Just another step in the path. Thanks to Sarah for the update. xoxoxoxo

Candice said...

lots of love to our girl! What are the side affects to the chemo pills? Every night seems crazy. xoxo

Andrea said...

thanks for the updates! thinking about you all!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I found you via Kate and wanted to send well wishes. I saw someone ask the side effects of chemo...a great site that is reliable and easy to read is I am an oncology nurse and use it all the time for teaching print outs for my patients. Wishing you all the best :)